Bridge amplifier EHDS

Enertec Engineering AG is a leading and highly innovative manufacturer of load cells with a wide range of force transducers.

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Description of the

The EHDS variable digital amplifier converts the input signal from a strain sensor or load cell into an analogue volt output signal. The output signal is also available in digital form.
The EHDS signal amplifier is suitable for dynamic and static applications.

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  • Amplifier with fast analogue and digital output
  • For dynamic and static applications
  • Large offset range for the measuring bridge
  • Optional robust aluminium housing (IP65) or housing for DIN rail
  • Free application software and DLL file for creating customised software

Special functions

Adjustable measuring range

The input range of the amplifier is 2.5 mV/V as standard. Other input ranges are optionally available.

Second selectable amplification level

The amplification can be changed by an adjustable factor via the software or a digital pin. This means that measurements with input signals of very different levels can also be carried out with a high resolution. The amplification can be adjusted by a factor of 1 to 100.

Calibration of interpolation points or 3rd degree polynomial

Any number of interpolation points can be recorded and the corresponding piecewise linearisation with 32 line segments can be carried out on their basis. The force can also be calibrated using a polynomial up to the 3rd degree.

Calibration including temperature

Optionally, the temperature can be taken into account during calibration via an internal temperature sensor. Up to 3rd degree polynomials can be calculated.

Flexibly adjustable filters

2nd order Cauer filters can be set. For very slow measurements, moving average low-pass filters with a cut-off frequency of 0.03 Hz to 7.68 Hz can be set.

Various tare settings

Various tare modes can be selected: no tare, last tare value, tare when switching on, continuous tare.

Serial number and calibration data

An individual serial number can be assigned. The calibration data and the calibration date are saved in a database

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swiss sensor technology