Strain gauges

Application of strain gauges

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We offer the high-quality application of strain gauges using hot and cold bonding methods

Enertec Engineering AG offers a complete service for the application of strain gauges in the laboratory and on site. The services include bonding, wiring and calibrating all types of measuring bridges. In addition, we offer experienced instrumentation services for existing strain gauges, sensors and transducers. All field and laboratory installations are performed according to standard strain gauge procedures. Depending on the application, we also adapt the procedures to the specific measurement objectives.

Strain gauge installations must be protected from possible damage caused by the environment in which they are operated. Environmental conditions vary greatly between laboratory and field conditions. The protection of strain gauge installations should be appropriate to the environment in which they are operated. Enertec recommends and uses the materials and procedures that will ensure the durability of any installation.

  •     Application, wiring and adjustment according to specifications
  •     DMS application in the laboratory and in the field
  •     Wiring, balancing and protection according to requirements and specifications
  •     Tried and tested processes
  •     Use of different, customised DMS
  •     Supply of measuring amplifiers and evaluation electronics
  •      Attractive price/performance ratio

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We design and manufacture customised fixtures to press on the strain gauges used during the instrumentation process. This results in time savings, consistent and reliable installations and long-term cost savings.

Installation of quarter, half and full bridges

Our customers can specify the type of strain gauge installation they require. We review the intended application and recommend the type of installation that fulfils the customer's desired performance and cost criteria.

Number of DMS

We routinely instrument components with one to sixteen strain gauges in a single installation. We use as many strain gauges as necessary to measure the desired size and compensate for any unwanted effects.


Stress measurement on buildings

Strain gauges are used to measure the stresses on parts of structures, such as the steel girders of bridges, reinforcing bars or columns

Machine parts

For the stress analysis of machine parts, these are equipped with strain gauges at our premises or on site.

Applications in the aerospace industry

Strain gauges are bonded to load-bearing components in aeroplanes to measure strains and stresses that occur in various areas during flight. Strain gauges can monitor the deformation of the wing during flight to ensure its safety.

Railway applications

Strain gauges can be glued to the rails themselves to measure the load during the crossing. Based on the measured values, measures can be taken if the tracks are under too much strain. This allows repairs and maintenance work to be carried out before visible signs of fatigue or damage occur.

swiss sensor technology